Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care

Recovery is Beautiful™ BluePrint
We are excited to announce a new five-year plan, Recovery is Beautiful™: A BluePrint for Ohio’s Community Mental Health and Addiction System. This five-year plan with overarching goals and action steps is designed to provide a framework for moving Ohio’s mental health and addiction system toward a Recovery-Oriented System of Care. This Recovery-Oriented System of Care will promote good health through prevention and wellness programs, as well as provide crisis intervention, treatment, and recovery supports when individuals experience a mental health or substance abuse problem.
2019 Recovery-Oriented System of Care State Report (PDF)
Recovery is Beautiful BluePrint 2016 (PDF)
Recovery is Beautiful BluePrint Updated (PDF)
A Recovery is Beautiful One-Pager is available here.
Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC) Regional Training Materials
Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care Stakeholder Assessment:
ROSC Assessment (PDF)
ROSC Assessment (Word)
Additional Training Materials:
ROSC 101 - Questions for Self Reflection (PDF)
The A.C.T. Model (PDF)
ROSC in Western Michigan - An Interview with Mark Witte and Kevin McLaughlin (PDF)
ROSC in Michigan - An Interview with Deborah Hollis (PDF)
Addressing Stress & Trauma in Recovery-Oriented Systems and Communities (PDF)
Recovery Focused Addiction Medicine - An Interview with Dr. Corey Waller (PDF)
Minnesota Co-Occurences Newsletter (PDF)
Weekly Highlight - Recovery in Mental Health and Addiction (PDF)
Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders Recovery: Definitions, Components, and Principles (PDF)
Hancock County ROSC Framework Implementation Plan (PDF)
A Shared Philosophy to Address Opioid Use and Overdose in Hancock County (PDF)
Hancock County Evaluation Plan (Word)
Hancock County Outcomes Worksheet (Word)
Moving ROSC Forward Training Materials
Training Presentations:
Rush to Recovery Rhetoric vs. Reality - Lonnetta Albright (Presentation)
Collaborative Approaches to Local Criminal Justice Efforts - Director Gary Mohr (Presentation)
Operationalizing Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care - Dr. Arthur C. Evans Jr. (Presentation)
Resource Information
Recovery-Oriented System of Care Documents & Reports
- ROSC Guiding Principles
- ROSC Definitions
- Recovery Oriented System of Care (PowerPoint)
- Building a Science of Recovery (Laudet 2008)
- Operationalizing ROSC (SAMSHA 2012)
- Recovery Management (White 2008)
- Tribute to Recovery (White 2014)
- Practice Guidelines
- Practice Guidelines (Philadelphia)
- Michigan Implimentation Plan
Recovery-Oriented System of Care Educational Links
17 Essential Elements for Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care
- Person-Centered Recovery: Oriented systems of care will be person-centered. Individuals will have a menu of stage-appropriate choices that fit their needs throughout the recovery process. Choices can include spiritual supports that fit with the individual’s recovery needs.
- Family & Ally Involvement Recovery: Oriented systems of care will acknowledge the important role that families and other allies can play. Family and other allies will be incorporated, when appropriate, in the recovery planning and support process. They can constitute a source of support to assist individuals in entering and maintaining recovery. Additionally systems need to address the treatment, recovery and other support needs of families and other allies.
- Individualized & Comprehensive Services Across the Lifespan: Recovery-oriented systems of care will be individualized, comprehensive, stage-appropriate and flexible. Systems will adapt to needs of individuals rather than requiring individuals to adapt to them. They will be designed to support recovery across the lifespan. The approach will change from an acute-based model to one that manages chronic disorders over a lifetime
- Systems Anchored in the Community: Recovery-oriented systems of care will be nested in the community for the purpose of enhancing the availability of support capacities of families, intimate social networks, community-based institutions, and other people in recovery.
- Continuity of Care: Recovery-oriented systems of care will offer a continuum of care, including pretreatment, treatment, continuing care and support throughout recovery. Individuals will have a full range of stage-appropriate services from which to choose at any point in the recovery process.
- Partnership-Consultant Relationships: Recovery-oriented systems of care will be patterned after a partnership-consultant model that focuses more on collaboration and less on hierarchy. Systems will be designed so that individuals feel empowered to direct their own recovery.
- Strengths Based Recovery: Oriented systems of care will emphasize individual strengths, assets and resiliencies.
- Culturally Responsive: Recovery-oriented systems of care will be culturally sensitive, competent and responsive. There will be recognition that beliefs and customs are diverse and can impact the outcomes of recovery efforts. In addition, the cultures of those who support the recovering individual affect the recovery process.
- Responsive To Personal Belief Systems: Recovery-oriented systems of care will respect the spiritual, religious and/or secular beliefs of those they serve and provide linkages to an array of recovery options that are consistent with these beliefs.
- Commitment To Peer Recovery Services: Recovery-oriented systems of care will include peer recovery support services. Individuals with personal experiences will provide these valuable services.
- Inclusion Of The Voices & Experiences Of Recovering Individuals & Their Families: The voices and experiences of people in recovery and their family members will contribute to the design and implementation of recovery oriented-systems of care. People in recovery and their family members will be included among decision-makers and have oversight responsibilities for service provision. Recovering individuals and family members will be prominently and authentically represented on advisory councils, boards, task forces and committees at the Federal, State and local levels.
- Integrated Services Recovery: Oriented systems of care will coordinate and/or integrate efforts across service systems to achieve an integrated process that responds effectively to the individual’s unique constellation of strengths, desires and needs.
- Systems Wide Education & Training: Recovery-oriented systems of care will ensure that concepts of recovery and wellness are foundational elements of curricula, certification, licensure, accreditation and testing mechanisms. The workforce also requires continual training, at every level, to reinforce the tenets of recovery-oriented systems of care.
- Ongoing Monitoring & Research: Recovery-oriented systems of care will provide ongoing monitoring and feedback with assertive outreach efforts to promote continual participation, re-motivation and reengagement.
- Outcomes Driven: Recovery-oriented systems of care will be guided by recovery-based process and outcome measured. These measures will be developed in collaboration with individuals in recovery. Outcome measures will reflect the long-term global effects of the recovery process on the individual, family and community; not just remission of biomedical symptoms. Outcomes will be measurable and include benchmarks of quality of life changes.
- Research Based: Recovery-oriented systems of care will be informed by research. Additional research on individuals in recovery, recovery venues and the process of recovery, including cultural and spiritual aspects is essential. Research will be supplemented by experiences of people in recovery.
- Adequately & Flexibly Financed: Recovery-oriented systems of care will be adequately financed to permit access to a full continuum of services ranging from detoxification and treatment to continuing care and recovery support. In addition, funding will be sufficiently flexible to permit unbundling of services, enabling the establishment of a customized array of services that can evolve over time in support of an individual’s recovery.